Thursday, June 3, 2010


Tripe is the stomach lining of animals, usually beef. The lining of the stomach is bleached and partially cooked before being sold, but requires further cooking for a further two hours before eating.

Tripe and onions was once a very popular recipe in British cooking but in recent years has fallen out of flavor.
Chocolate is an amazing food. It’s a natural aphrodisiac, good for your heart and health, and so very delicious. From savory to sweet, normal to bizzare, here’s 3 of the most surprising foods we could find covered in chocolate.
chocolate covered bacon
chocolate covered tomatoes
and chocolate covered scorpions !!!!!!!!!!!
Frogs' legs are one of the better-known delicacies of French and Cantonese cuisine. They are also eaten in other regions, such as the Caribbean, the region of Alentejo in Portugal, northwest Greece, Piemonte in Italy, Spain, and the Midwest southern regions of the United States. A type of frog called the edible frog is most often used for this dish. They are often said to taste like chicken because of their mild flavor, with a texture most similar to chicken wings. Frogs are raised commercially in certain countries, e.g. Vietnam. Frog muscle does not resolve rigor mortis as quickly as warm-blooded muscle (chicken, for example), so heat from cooking can cause fresh frog legs to twitch.

thats pretty gross

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

weird flavors of chocolate
  • chocolate and bacon
  • chocolate and green tea
who has tasted any other weird chocolates?

Japan has a drinking problem... but if you've got a thirst for adventure, it's where you want to be.

Pepsi Ice Cucumber, introduced to the Japanese soft drinks market and Pepsi vending machines on June 12th (2007). Pepsi? Good...Cucumbers? Great! Cucumber-flavored Pepsi? DOH!!!

Ice cream is a frozen dessert made from dairy products, such as cream (or substituted ingredients), combined with flavorings and sweeteners, such as sugar. But at some point, the world of ice cream took a turn for the worse and gave us the following abominations:

  1. fish ice cream
  2. ox tongue ice cream
  3. wasabi ice cream
  4. Eel ice cream
  5. chicken wing ice cream
  6. raw horseflesh ice cream
  7. indian curry ice cream
  8. salad ice cream
  9. squid gut ice cream AND
  10. sea weed ice cream
I personally wouldn't like to eat any of these, i think im quite happy with our evey day NORMAL ice

In some societies around the world, snacking on cockroaches, dining on worms and swallowing the still-beating heart of a snake are traditions and even considered delicacies!